Thursday, December 23, 2010

Portrait of the artist: Cilla Black, entertainer

'When I started touring, it was a very solitary life. I'd come back to my hotel ? and there was no TV, no dirty movies'

What got you started?

When I was little, my father used to bring his mates back from the pub for "jars out": everyone would have a few beers and do a turn. One night, when I was three, a guest spotted me on the stairs, and stood me on the kitchen table to do a song. That was my first stage.

What was your big breakthrough?

John Lennon telling [the Beatles' manager] Brian Epstein about me. I auditioned for him with the Beatles: I sang a rock'n'roll version of Summertime, but I wasn't very good ? the song was in John's key. Nevertheless, a few months later, Brian took me on.

Is it easier for women to succeed now in entertainment than when you started?

Touring must be easier now. When I was starting out, I'd come back from the theatre to my hotel and have nothing to do but read ? there was no TV, no dirty movies. It was a very solitary life.

What's the greatest threat to the arts?

Parents failing to educate their kids about art's importance. People aren't as broad-minded as when I was growing up. My dad was a docker, my mother sold secondhand clothes on the market ? but she still took me to the Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool as often as possible.

What advice would you give a young performer?

Remember that the stage is the greatest place on earth. But it is a hard slog: right now, I'm doing two shows a day, and flying on the high-wire, even though I'm terrified of heights.

What's the worst thing anyone ever said about you?

My first bad review came when I was doing Cilla, my first TV show for the BBC. The opening line was: "To criticise Cilla Black is a bit like battering a baby seal over the head with a club. But anyway, it needs to be done ? so here goes."

What have you sacrificed for your art?

Seeing my eldest son Robert take his first steps. I was in Australia; his nanny rang to tell me he'd started walking, and it was heartbreaking.

Which artists do you most admire?

In my childhood, I was influenced by Dinah Washington and Della Reese. Nowadays, I love listening to Duffy ? for her age, her voice is incredibly mature and soulful.

Complete this sentence: At heart I'm just a frustrated . . .

Doctor. Or opera singer. Or Meryl Streep.

Has fame brought any difficulties?

No. You know what I can't stand about famous people? That they complain, when notoriety is what they've worked for. If you're not in the mood for signing autographs or making conversation with taxi drivers, then don't go out.

In short

Born: Liverpool, 1943.

Career: Spans 1960s chart hits, such as Anyone Who Had a Heart and Alfie; acting; and presenting TV shows such as Surprise, Surprise! and Blind Date. She performs as the Fairy Godmother in Cinderella at the Waterside theatre, Aylesbury (0844 871 7607), until 30 December. © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds


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