Katie Price and her Argentinian lover don't care that they can't converse in the same language. Intuition is all they need
To OK! magazine, and the WORLD EXCLUSIVE first interview with Jordan and her Argentinian gentleman caller, Leandro, in which we learn that the couple are entirely unable to talk to each other, as neither speaks the other's language.
To be honest, Lost in Showbiz had imagined it as passing off a bit like Andie MacDowell and Christopher Lambert in Greystoke, only with Jordan's pink mansion taking the place of Greystoke Castle. Intriguingly, though, it seems even more epic.
"Because we can't talk, it's not about playing games," she explains. "It's intuitive, like it is with me and [her disabled son] Harvey sometimes. You could talk to Leo and he wouldn't understand you, but . . . we connect ? we don't need to say anything." Example? "In the car, I'll think, I bet he wants his glasses, just before he asks for his glasses."
I believe this is what the Italians call "simpatico". And thrillingly, there is more.
"The connection we have is so intense," concurs Leandro, via an interpreter. "Like sometimes I'll be sitting and moving my head from side to side and she will know I'm looking for the remote control."
Lost in Showbiz will now always picture Leandro sitting on Katie's sofa, dumbly swivelling his neck ? probably as Peter Andre: the Next Chapter comes on the telly ? before her ladyship tenderly produces the remote and switches over to Living TV's Katie. If that isn't the last word in romantic intensity, then what the hell is?
Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/lostinshowbiz/2011/jun/02/jordan-katie-price-leandro-love
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