Friday, June 10, 2011

Sleeve Notes: Ray Davies's Meltdown

This week we've been getting in gear for Ray Davies's Meltdown festival and listening to a lot of albums

Three reasons why we're excited about Meltdown

Ray Davies will be playing, just like he is here

As will Anna Calvi, Suggs and Geno Washington

And, er, Ready Steady Go

Three album streams we've showcased this week

Bon Iver's inventively titled Bon Iver

Sons and Daughter's reflectively titled Mirror Mirror

Emmy the Great's, er, virtuously titled Virtue

Five things we learned from music news this week ...

If you slag off the Wombles, they'll refuse to pick up your litter

You won't be eating burgers at this Belgian festival

What the indiest movie of all time is

Tinariwen and TV on the Radio is a collaboration we could get used to

We're definitely getting bored of James Franco

Some other bits and bobs you should probably know about

We wish we could listen to more Austrian radio (we never thought we'd say that)

Starting this weekend in the Guardian and Observer is Modern Music: A Collectible History ? basically all you need to win a pub quiz on pop, rock, jazz and hip-hop. Watch our video for a sneak preview

You can win tickets to the Main Square festival in France where some bands and all that will be playing © Guardian News & Media Limited 2011 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds


Shakara Ledard Vanessa Marcil Rachel McAdams Kristin Cavallari Brittany Murphy

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